Monday, April 20, 2009

Investors See Global Downturn as Golden Opportunity to Increase Wealth

By Dean Tsouvalas

In today's vicious equity markets, investors are on the lookout for companies that can not only survive the current recession but also use it as a springboard to strengthen their long-term competitive position, according to a recent survey of professional investors and equity analysts conducted by The Boston Consulting Group.

Despite the fact that the global financial crisis and recession have exposed the financial vulnerability of many companies, there remains a segment of companies-what BCG terms the haves of the current bear market-with strong balance sheets and no serious liquidity issues. A full 84 percent of respondents to the survey agreed that the downturn represents a "once in a lifetime opportunity" for the haves. But nearly 40 percent worry that they are not being aggressive enough in exploiting it.

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